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There is a perception that the River Colne in Watford is in many parts dirty, inaccessible, unkempt and of low wildlife value.


However, there are some places and sites which illustrate how a healthy River Colne can enhance the lives of local people.


Building on these foundations, Watford Borough Council has decided to prepare and deliver a 10 year plan. “Rediscovering the River Colne” will improve the River Colne and its’ green corridor for local people and wildlife.


For further information about the project, you'll find reports, improvement plans and site plans at our Documents Page.



We are proposing a bespoke approach to project delivery that utilises the skills of key partners in the Watford area.

This will ensure that the project is delivered by organisations with the best knowledge of Watford’s ecology and local communities, in addition to having an understanding of the issues being tackled on a catchment wide scale.

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A fully inclusive engagement strategy will be implemented in order to ensure the people of Watford are involved with each element of the project we deliver.


The river corridor will be brought into the heart of the community through a programme of volunteer days, events, information and tailored communications, enabling local people to become stewards of their environment.


We would consider wide ranging aspirations and ideas for innovative and effective engagement. Engagement opportunities identified will range from one off ‘learning walks’ and events, to training programmes linked to site improvements and monitoring offering longer term engagement opportunities

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