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Backwater:  A part of a river which receives little to no current, in which the water becomes stagnant.


Berm: a raised, flat strip of land that borders a river or canal, often used to separate two areas.


Biodiversity: Short for 'biological diversity', the variation of living species on Earth, including plants, animals and fungus.


Ditch systems: A series of depressions in the land used to channel water, often for plant irrigation.


Floodplain: A flat area of land next to a river, in which water spills into during times of flooding.


Flow deflectors: Artificial constructs which create variable flow conditions in a river. Different flow conditions offer different benefits to rivers.


Flow diversity: The variability of the speed of flowing water within a river. Fast water scours the gravel and oxygenates the water, while slower flow offers other species the chance to thrive.


Hinged trees: Trees which have been purposely cut and lowered into a river to act as flow deflectors and create new habitats for river species.


Littoral: The area of a river, stream, sea or ocean that is closest to the shore.


Non-native invasive species: A species which has been introduced by humans outside of its natural range, which then poses a threat to local native wildlife.


Refuge area: An area which offers an organism protection, either from the elements or from predators.


Scrapes: Shallow pools where water overflow can sit.


Sediment: A material formed of rocks, minerals and organic debris that is taken from one area and distributed to another.


Sedimentation: The process of depositing sediment (see above). 


Siltation: The deposition of tiny particles of rock and minerals across and area; a common form of pollution.


Succession: The changing of the variety of species within an ecosystem over time.


Wetlands: A wetland is a distinct ecosystem that is flooded by water, either seasonally or permanently.



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